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要从一个 UI 部分移至上一个,请按 Shift+Tab

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这些 UI 部分的 Tab 顺序为:

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  1. 菜单栏
  2. \n' + '
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  14. \n' + '
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在 UI 部分内导航

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要从一个 UI 元素移至下一个,请按相应的箭头键。

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箭头键在具有焦点的 UI 部分内循环。

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要关闭打开的菜单、打开的子菜单或打开的弹出菜单,请按 Esc 键。

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如果当前的焦点在特定 UI 部分的“顶部”,则按 Esc 键还将完全退出键盘导航。

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\n' + '\n' + '

当突出显示所需的菜单项或工具栏按钮时,按 ReturnEnter空格以执行该项。

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通过按 TabShift+Tab,在交互对话框组件之间导航。

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\n' + '\n' + '

通过按 TabShift+Tab,在此对话框的交互组件之间导航。

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\n'); How Much is A KAWS Sculpture _ Rollers

How Much is A KAWS Sculpture

The cost of a KAWS sculpture varies depending on the size, edition, and rarity of the piece. Some smaller editions can start at around $500, while larger and more rare pieces can sell for millions of dollars at auction. In 2019, a KAWS sculpture titled “The Kaws Album” sold for $14.7 million at Sotheby’s auction house. It is important to note that KAWS sculptures are highly sought after by collectors and can increase in value over time.

Introduction to KAWS and his sculptures

KAWS is a renowned artist who has made a name for himself in the art world with his unique and iconic sculptures. Born in Jersey City, New Jersey in 1974, KAWS, whose real name is Brian Donnelly, began his career as a graffiti artist in the 1990s. He then went on to create his own brand of streetwear, which he called OriginalFake. It was during this time that KAWS began to create his signature sculptures, which have become highly sought after by art collectors around the world.

KAWS’ sculptures are instantly recognizable for their distinctive style, which often features his iconic character, Companion. Companion is a cartoonish figure with Xs for eyes, which KAWS has said represents the idea of censorship. The sculptures are made from a http://kawsfigures.org/ variety of materials, including fiberglass, bronze, and wood, and range in size from small figurines to massive installations.

While the price of a KAWS sculpture can vary widely depending on the size, material, and edition, they can sell for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars at auction. In 2019, a KAWS sculpture titled “The Kaws Album” sold for a staggering $14.8 million at a Sotheby’s auction in Hong Kong, setting a new record for the artist. Despite their high price tag, KAWS’ sculptures continue to be in high demand among collectors, and his influence on the art world shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Factors that affect the price of KAWS sculptures

KAWS is an American artist known for his unique style of pop art and his highly sought-after sculptures. Born in New Jersey in 1974, KAWS initially started his career as a graffiti artist before transitioning to fine art. His sculptures, in particular, have gained a cult following and are highly prized by collectors.

KAWS’ sculptures are known for their distinctive style, which often features characters with exaggerated features and cartoonish expressions. Many of his sculptures are based on popular cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse or SpongeBob SquarePants, which he reimagines in his own unique style.

One of the reasons KAWS’ sculptures are so highly prized is their limited availability. Many of his pieces are produced in limited editions, meaning that only a small number of them are ever made. This exclusivity has helped to drive up the price of his sculptures, making them highly sought-after by collectors.

If you’re interested in purchasing a KAWS sculpture, it’s important to do your research and be prepared to pay a premium price. However, for many collectors, the investment is worth it, as KAWS’ sculptures are not only visually striking but also highly collectible.

The most expensive KAWS sculptures ever sold

KAWS sculptures have become highly sought after by art collectors, with some pieces selling for millions of dollars. So, what are the most expensive KAWS sculptures ever sold?

One of the most expensive KAWS sculptures ever sold is “The Kaws Album,” which sold for $14.8 million at a Sotheby’s auction in Hong Kong in 2019. This sculpture features the iconic KAWS character holding a record album.

Another notable sale was “The Kaws Holiday Space,” which sold for $2 million at a Phillips auction in Hong Kong in 2019. This sculpture is a large-scale astronaut figure that was part of a series of KAWS sculptures installed in various locations around the world.

“The Kaws Along the Way” also sold for $2 million at a Phillips auction in Hong Kong in 2019. This sculpture features two KAWS characters holding hands and walking together.

Other notable sales include “The Kaws BFF,” which sold for $1.4 million at a Sotheby’s auction in Hong Kong in 2019, and “The Kaws Passing Through,” which sold for $1.2 million at a Phillips auction in London in 2019.

Overall, KAWS sculptures have become highly collectible and can fetch millions of dollars at auction. The demand for these sculptures is only expected to grow, making them a valuable investment for art collectors.

Average prices for KAWS sculptures

The price of a KAWS sculpture varies depending on the size, edition, and rarity of the piece. On average, a small KAWS sculpture can cost around $1,500 to $3,000, while larger sculptures can range from $10,000 to $50,000 or more. Limited edition pieces with unique colorways or designs can fetch even higher prices, sometimes reaching six figures or more at auction.

One of the most popular KAWS sculptures is the “Companion” series, which features a cartoonish figure with X’s for eyes and hands covering its face. These sculptures come in various sizes and colors, with prices ranging from a few thousand dollars for a small open edition piece to over $100,000 for a rare, large-scale edition.

Other notable KAWS sculptures include the “BFF” figure, which features a similar design to the Companion but with a different pose and color scheme, and the “Chum” figure, which depicts a shark with X’s for eyes. Prices for these sculptures can also vary widely depending on the edition and size.

Overall, KAWS sculptures are highly collectible and sought-after by art enthusiasts and collectors around the world. While the prices may seem steep to some, they reflect the rarity and value of these unique pieces of art.

Where to buy KAWS sculptures

If you’re interested in purchasing a KAWS sculpture, there are several options available to you. However, it’s important to note that the price of a KAWS sculpture can vary greatly depending on its rarity, size, and edition. Here are some places to consider when looking to buy a KAWS sculpture:

1. KAWS official website – The official KAWS website offers a selection of limited edition sculptures for sale. These pieces are often highly sought after and can sell out quickly.

2. Art galleries – Many art galleries carry KAWS sculptures, both new and old. These galleries may also be able to help you source a specific piece if you’re looking for something in particular.

3. Auction houses – KAWS sculptures have been known to sell for high prices at auction, so keep an eye on upcoming sales at major auction houses such as Christie’s or Sotheby’s.

4. Online marketplaces – Online marketplaces such as eBay and Artsy may have KAWS sculptures available for purchase. However, be sure to do your research and only buy from reputable sellers to avoid scams or counterfeit pieces.

No matter where you decide to purchase a KAWS sculpture, be prepared to pay a significant amount. These pieces are highly coveted and can be considered investments for serious collectors.

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