tinymce.Resource.add('tinymce.html-i18n.help-keynav.zh_CN', '


\n' + '\n' + '
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\n' + '
Windows 或 Linux:Alt+F9
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
Windows 或 Linux:Alt+F10
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
Windows 或 Linux:Alt+F11
\n' + '
\n' + '
\n' + '
Windows、Linux 或 macOS:Ctrl+F9\n' + '
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导航将在第一个 UI 项上开始,其中突出显示该项,或者对于页脚元素路径中的第一项,将为其添加下划线。

\n' + '\n' + '

在 UI 部分之间导航

\n' + '\n' + '

要从一个 UI 部分移至下一个,请按 Tab

\n' + '\n' + '

要从一个 UI 部分移至上一个,请按 Shift+Tab

\n' + '\n' + '

这些 UI 部分的 Tab 顺序为:

\n' + '\n' + '
    \n' + '
  1. 菜单栏
  2. \n' + '
  3. 每个工具栏组
  4. \n' + '
  5. 边栏
  6. \n' + '
  7. 页脚中的元素路径
  8. \n' + '
  9. 页脚中的字数切换按钮
  10. \n' + '
  11. 页脚中的品牌链接
  12. \n' + '
  13. 页脚中的编辑器调整大小图柄
  14. \n' + '
\n' + '\n' + '

如果不存在某个 UI 部分,则跳过它。

\n' + '\n' + '

如果键盘导航焦点在页脚,并且没有可见的边栏,则按 Shift+Tab 将焦点移至第一个工具栏组而非最后一个。

\n' + '\n' + '

在 UI 部分内导航

\n' + '\n' + '

要从一个 UI 元素移至下一个,请按相应的箭头键。

\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '\n' + '

箭头键在具有焦点的 UI 部分内循环。

\n' + '\n' + '

要关闭打开的菜单、打开的子菜单或打开的弹出菜单,请按 Esc 键。

\n' + '\n' + '

如果当前的焦点在特定 UI 部分的“顶部”,则按 Esc 键还将完全退出键盘导航。

\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '

当突出显示所需的菜单项或工具栏按钮时,按 ReturnEnter空格以执行该项。

\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '

通过按 TabShift+Tab,在交互对话框组件之间导航。

\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '


\n' + '\n' + '

通过按 TabShift+Tab,在此对话框的交互组件之间导航。

\n' + '\n' + '


\n'); Is Science Useful? _ Rollers

Is Science Useful?

It can be difficult to answer the question of whether or not science is beneficial. Scientists are encouraged to follow their curiosity. However, this could result in research that is focused on a broad range of subjects, some which may not be directly beneficial to society. For instance, a major aspect of science is the creation of theories and making predictions that can be testable. These discoveries are used to develop new technologies, like drugs and medical devices.

In order to be useful Science must also address issues and problems that impact human wellbeing. This requires collaboration with stakeholders in order to determine their needs, formulate specific goals and formulate an effective plan for addressing those requirements. Many scientific initiatives are lacking this collaboration, and instead, they focus on advancing knowledge that has no direct connection to society. In addition, the results of research are often not evaluated and monitored in an effective manner.

There are a variety of strategies that have been developed to produce usable science which includes the concept of translational ecology (TE) which stresses the need for scientists to be able to anticipate and respond to the research context. TE emphasizes the importance of involving end users in a meaningful way throughout the research process, and encouraging learning-based decision-making processes, such as adaptive management.

The selection of a subject that is both intriguing and scholarly is a challenge for students, especially given the time limits that are often imposed by professors. The list of basic research topics in science can help students pick the perfect topic to impress their professors as well as contribute valuable information to the scientific community.


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